1. Collections

How much does the service cost?
  • Cheque values are not included in the amount that determines your collection charge.
  • Collection charge only, normal cash and cheque processing charges apply
  • If you've missed a collection or cancel after 12pm on the day before your chosen collection time, you'll be charged £15+VAT
Cash value of deposit   Collection charge
£0.00 - £2,499.99   £15.00 + VAT
£2,500.00 - £4,999.99   £7.50 + VAT
£5,000.00 +   Free
How far in advance can I book a collection?

You can book a collection up to 3 months in advance.

How much notice do I have to give to arrange a collection?

Provided you book before 12pm on a working day, you can arrange a collection for the next working day if there’s availability.

How much notice do I have to give to cancel a collection?

As long as you cancel a collection before 12pm on the day before it’s due, you won’t be charged. After this time you’ll be charged a flat fee of £15 + VAT.

What happens if I miss the collection?

If you’re not available, or your deposit isn’t ready for G4S to collect during your booked time slot, you’ll be charged a flat fee of £15 + VAT.

What happens if G4S doesn’t turn up?

On some occasions outside of their control, such as traffic conditions or other major incidents, G4S may be unable to reach you. Unfortunately, you’ll need to book another collection if this happens, but we won’t charge you for it.

2. Preparing deposits

How do I get the stationery (G4S bags, small coin bags and note bands) I need to prepare my deposit for collection?

A welcome pack will be sent to each site you register which will include a starter set of stationery:

  • Blue bags for your notes and cheques
  • Large coin bags
  • Small coin bags to be included in your large coin bags
  • Note bands for each denomination

To order additional stationery, please contact G4S on 0344 800 6840.

How do I prepare my deposits for collection?

You’ll need to prepare your cash according to our guidelines. We’ll provide the bags and note bands that you’ll need to prepare your cash correctly and you can watch a short video which shows the simple steps to prepare for your collection.

If you need any help with this, please contact your Barclays relationship contact and they’ll be able to explain the process to you.

How much can I deposit?

The maximum amount you can deposit through Barclays Collect is £20,000 in cash, subject to location.

When booking, you’ll be asked if you’re depositing below £7,500 or £20,00 so we can arrange the right van and insurance levels for your collection. 

The maximum deposit size  is subject to location. Please select your preferred deposit size below to see if this service is  currently available  for your location. 

3. Crediting your account

What if my account is credited with the wrong amount?

If there are any discrepancies between the amount on the paying-in slip and your cash deposit, we’ll get in touch with you by email. If you believe we’ve made an error, please call us on 0344 800 6840.

What if my cash gets lost in transit or at the processing centre?

Your cash is insured as soon as G4S collects it from your site, so in the event of a lost deposit you’ll be refunded the full amount of your deposit so long as it was below the maximum limit of £20,000 or £7,500, depending on which service you selected. 

To ensure that we have the evidence we need to return any lost money, please keep a copy of the paying-in slip that you put in the bag and the receipt you received from G4S.

4. Need any help?

Please get in touch by calling us on 0344 800 6840. Our lines are open between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

Calls to 0344 numbers are charged at the same rate as dialling a local or national number. If your fixed line or mobile service has inclusive minutes (01/02) to local or national numbers, then calls to 0344 are counted as part of this inclusive call volume.